kube-apiserver [flags] Options --admission-control-config-file string File with admission control . From here you need to create a NodePort and send all the traffic to KrakenD. Navigate to the Zipkin UI and Click "Find Traces" to see the latest traces. It helps gather timing data needed to troubleshoot latency problems in service architectures. zipkin-on-kubernetes Here you can find ready to use zipkin yaml file which can be deployed via kubernetes and uses elastic-search cluster for saving the data. Deploying Zipkin and Ambassador in Kubernetes. The following diagram shows a deployment of Citrix Observability Exporter with all the supported endpoints. I installed zipkin manually, but of course it is not configured to sent anything to the control plane, and I don't really want to configure zipkin for that. To see all of the metrics and tracing features in action, we also install the optional Prometheus, Grafana, and Zipkin addons. Getting Started. 简介 Istio 是一个由 IBM、Google 以及 Lyft 联合推出的开源软件,以无痛方式为运行在 Kubernetes 上的微服务提供流量管理,访问策略管理以及监控等功能。这一软件目前仅在 Kubernetes 上运行,今后可能会扩展到其他平台。本文会结合官方例子,完成安装和基础的监控内容。 1 apiVersion: v1 2 kind: Service 3 metadata: 4 name: zipkin 5 labels: 6 app: zipkin 7 spec: 8 type: NodePort #指定为 NodePort . Next, create the following YAML file locally: tracing.yaml configuration. Agent will also be ineffective if you use Zipkin instrumentation. SpringCloud service : You need two SpringCloud service , adopt Feign Call each other's interfaces to generate link logs, which is convenient for testing , Later, we will demonstrate how to write a test project and deploy it to Kubernetes in . The framework provides sophisticated looping, conditionals, dependency-management with DAG's etc. Minikube works on most platforms, but if you are using Docker Desktop, the internal Kubernetes that is enabled from the Docker Desktop Preferences (macOS) or Settings panel (Windows) is a more convenient alternative. 前端界面展示UI. The following steps show you how to configure Dapr to send distributed tracing data to Zipkin running as a container on your local machine and view them. How-To: Set up Zipkin for distributed tracingConfigure self hosted modeViewing TracesConfigure KubernetesSetupViewing Tracing DataReferences Dapr(Distributed Application Runtime ,分布式应用运行时)是微软新推出的,一种可移 $ kubectl apply -f kubernetes/mongodb-configmap.yaml $ kubectl apply -f kubernetes/mongodb-secret.yaml . Web site created using create-react-app. Configures a rate that decides how many events should be traced by zipkin. If we were to adopt them, frankly, we would probably just copy the yaml files into our own internal repo and make some modifications (namespace, service labels and annotations, the like). 距离上 一 篇记录 采用rancher2+kubernetes+skywalking部署springcloud项目 ( 一[k8s yaml版本] )发布已经2个多月了,之前写那篇文章时专门在标题右边写了 一 个序号,是因我想通过 spring -boot- cloud项目 来对 k8s 的发布进行 一 个整体的学习(尽管我同学告诉我对于 . Applatix的 Argo是一个开源项目,为Kubernetes提供了云原生工作流,将工作流中的每个步骤实现为容器。 Argo使用户能够使用类似于传统YAML的自定义DSL启动多步管道。该框架提供了复杂的循环,条件,与DAG的依赖关系… . Редактируем values.yaml . An existing Kubernetes cluster with the Istio service mesh installed. Let us start by creating a manifest file for the same and name it storage.yaml: For security reasons, the Zipkin UI is exposed only within the cluster. Kubernetes Alternatively, you can set jaeger-endpoint and specify the full endpoint for uploading traces. All the deployment and service definition files for deploying the Robot Shop to Kubernetes are included in the source under the K8s directory. To successfully deploy a MySQL instance on Kubernetes, create a series of YAML files that you will use to define the following Kubernetes objects:. 6.1. Features include both the collection and lookup of this data. 现在一切都已正确设置,可以开始发布遥测了。 Deployment. Bookinfo Application without Istio. Zipkin Zipkin Table of contents. We are currently deploying zipkin into our Kubernetes cluster with yaml we've adapted from the docker-zipkin project. Next you will need to deploy a distributed tracing system which uses OpenTracing. Add the YAML to a file called deployment.yaml and point Kubernetes at it: > kubectl create -f deployment.yaml deployment "rss-site" created. Jaeger组成. Create the following config.yaml YAML file: Launch Zipkin using . 1. 在 DNS 服务器增加 CNAME 记录,将zipkin.umlife.net解析到 Nginx Ingress 的 ELB 地址,就可以通过浏览器访问 Zipkin 了。 上面的配置只会让 Nginx Ingress 上报数据给 Zipkin,如果 Upstream Service 也需要上报数据给 Zipkin,那么需要在代码中增加数据上报功能。例如在 Golang 程序中上报数据给 Zipkin,可以参考这个程序 . 前言 本文是记录一下 Window 下 使用 Kafka + ES + Zipkin 搭建一套链路追踪服务教程, 旨在减少各位在学习过程中安装部署引起的麻烦.一起学习,共同进步! Zipkin — это система распределенной трассировки, которая помогает нам собирать данные о времени выполнения всех разрозненных служб на Twitter. > helm install kafka incubator/kafka -f kfk-values.yaml NAME: kafka LAST DEPLOYED: Sun Nov 1 09:36:44 2020 NAMESPACE: default STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 NOTES: ### Connecting to Kafka from inside Kubernetes You can connect to Kafka by running a simple pod in the K8s cluster like this with a configuration like this: apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod . Configuration Examples. Spring Boot tutorial: Microservices and Kubernetes (part 2) Moving from the monolith to microservices has a lot of advantages. Jaeger is similar to Zipkin but has a different implementation. The OpenTelemetry Collector consists of a single binary and two primary deployment methods: The deployment works fine and the server starts. 所需软件 JDK 1.8 环境 kafka 最新版本 ElasticSearch-5.6.9(使用版本7 显示过高,索性找了个靠谱点的) Zipkin-server-2.12.9-exec 2.. 配置参 with curated YAML . Microservices on Kubernetes - A Complete Guide to deployment, logging, distributed tracing, performance, and metrics monitoring including cluster health Jaeger comes by default installed on Istio, which is cool, but looks like there is the option to change tracing backend to zipkin with the above command. kubectl apply -f zipkin-server.yaml 部署 Zipkin-Dependencies. camel.zipkin.port. Distributed Request Tracing. The fabric8 starter artifacts look nice. 06-23. Please note that yq sorts the YAML fields in the output alphabetically, so the order of fields in your output could be different from the above listing.. Every Dapr sidecar that is deployed as part of the application must be instructed to . Endnote. To see how it's doing, we can check on the deployments list: > kubectl get deployments NAME DESIRED CURRENT UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE rss-site 2 2 2 1 7s. Kubernetes IngressRoute Kubernetes Ingress Kubernetes Gateway API Consul Catalog ECS Marathon Rancher File Consul Etcd ZooKeeper Redis HTTP Routing & Load Balancing Routing & Load Balancing Overview EntryPoints Routers Services Providers Providers Docker Jaeger is a fairly young project, born in the Kubernetes sphere, with a strong community providing Kubernetes deployment best practices and automation. Jaeger是Uber推出的一款调用链追踪系统,类似于Zipkin和Dapper,为微服务调用追踪而生。. Overview. We explained the Steps to create a POD with labels using KUBECTL and YAML in your environment. In part two of this tutorial, Michael Gruczel finishes his step-by-step tutorial teaching developers how to implement microservices architecture in Kubernetes and Pivotal Cloud Foundry with Spring Boot. However, I only can access the server with a port-forw. Jaeger. Knative can be enabled on GKE using the Google form or it can be deployed to any cluster using Kubernetes resource YAML. The ways to achieve co-location in Kubernetes environments are either as a sidecar or as a daemonset. Please be sure to review the Data Collection documentation in order to understand the deployment models, components, and repositories applicable to the OpenTelemetry Collector.. Please follow below steps in order to get successfully created zipkin cluster: Create a Kubernetes service for the Zipkin pod: kubectl expose deployment zipkin --type ClusterIP --port 9411. This validation is done automatically by Kubernetes, but this is a bit too late in the process. First, deploy Zipkin: kubectl create deployment zipkin --image openzipkin/zipkin. camel.zipkin.server-service-mappings 1451. This configuration will create a Zipkin Deployment that uses the openzipkin/zipkin container image and also an associated Service. NOTE: While the option is called jaeger-collector-host, you will need to point this to a jaeger-agent, and not the jaeger-collector component. This task shows you how Istio-enabled applications can be configured to collect trace spans using Zipkin.After completing this task, you should understand all of the assumptions about your application and how to have it participate in tracing, regardless of what language/framework/platform you use to build your application. Zipkin: 在 Kubernetes 中部署 Zipkin,后面将演示这个部署的过程。 . Argo enables users to launch multi-step pipelines using a custom DSL that is similar to traditional YAML. Install Kubernetes locally if you do not have access to a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster. Zipkin Traces — Knative-node-app-0001. Read how to generate a Docker artifact for detailed instructions. It also contains test images for transport and storage backends such as Kafka or Cassandra. We can easily organize the kubernetes objects using labels. For self hosted mode, create a Dapr configuration file locally and reference it with the Dapr CLI. First, add the following YAML to a file named zipkin.yaml. Deploy Zipkin, Elasticsearch, and Kibana using YAML files¶ This application is polyglot, i.e., the microservices are written in different languages. It is a powerful tool in a cloud-native observability stack, especially when you have apps using multiple distributed tracing formats, like Zipkin and Jaeger; or, you want to send data to multiple backends like an in-house solution and a vendor. The trace data will be stored in memory within the Zipkin container, and you will be able to explore the traces via the Zipkin web UI. . Jaeger Collector should be configured to ingest Zipkin spans on a designated HTTP port, with the flag --collector.zipkin.http-port=9411 (port 9411 is used by Zipkin collectors). Zipkin 服务公开了 Zipkin Web 前端,你可以使用它来查看端口 32411 上的遥测。 使用 Kubernetes CLI 将 Zipkin 清单文件应用到 Kubernetes 群集并部署 Zipkin 服务器: kubectl apply -f zipkin.yaml 配置服务以使用跟踪配置. Below you can find manifests that address a number of common use cases and can be your starting point in exploring Beats deployed with ECK. Setup. Deploying Zipkin and Ambassador in Kubernetes. Zipkin in self hosted mode. Sets the port if sending spans to a remote zipkin scribe (thrift RPC) collector. which facilitates increased . The first step is to create a secret.yaml file, encoding the username and password to Base 64: apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: db-secret data: username: dXNlcg== password: cDQ1NXcwcmQ=. What is OpenTelemetry? Create the following config.yaml YAML file: Launch Zipkin using . zipkin-server.yaml. Pragmatic validation of the resource. Remember, we want to shift left. Deployment . Spring Boot tutorial: Microservices and Kubernetes (part 2) Moving from the monolith to microservices has a lot of advantages. Robot Shop - Sample Microservices Application. If you are on the cloud, make sure you have the right firewall rules to access port 30000 from your workstation. Let's apply the Secret configuration on the Kubernetes cluster: kubectl apply -f secret.yaml. Next, create the following YAML file locally: tracing.yaml configuration. This discovery feature is also used by Spring Cloud Kubernetes Ribbon or Zipkin projects . Alternatively, install zipkin separately and configure Istio to send traces to the zipkin deployment. We will also include a TracingService that configures Emissary-ingress to use the Zipkin service (running on the default port of 9411) to provide tracing . 数据存储Cassandra或Elasticsearch . 0. Google have recently released Cloud Run which is a managed serverless service based on Knative. yaml installation files for Kubernetes sample apps the istioctl client binary, needed to inject Envoy as a sidecar proxy, and useful for creating routing rules and policies. 1. It's worth noting that these services have no dependencies on Istio, but make an interesting service mesh example, particularly because of the multitude of services, languages and versions for the reviews service.. Before you begin The following steps show you how to configure Dapr to send distributed tracing data to Zipkin running as a container on your local machine and view them. You could also use a ConfigMap, although the recommendation is to use immutable artifacts. 其主要用于多个服务调用过程追踪分析,图形化服务调用轨迹,便于快速准确定位问题。. Create a Kubernetes service for the Zipkin pod: kubectl expose deployment zipkin --type ClusterIP --port 9411. Linux/macOS: ~/.dapr/config.yaml Alternately, you can update preview features on all apps run locally by specifying the --config flag in dapr run and pointing to a separate Dapr config file: dapr run --app-id myApp --config ./previewConfig.yaml ./app There are two Ambassador annotations in this file: one TracingService to specify the service responsible for collecting Zipkin trace data, and one Mapping that will allow you to . Float. Create a Dockerfile that includes the configuration of the service. httpEndpoint sameSpan id128Bit sampleRate Datadog Instana Haystack User Guides User Guides Kubernetes and Let's Encrypt gRPC Examples Marathon Docker Docker Basic Example HTTPS with Let's Encrypt HTTPS with Let's Encrypt TLS Challenge This repository contains the Docker build definition and release process for Zipkin Server. The API Server services REST operations and provides the frontend to the cluster's shared state through which all other components interact. zipkin-dependencies 是一个聚合数据依赖关系的服务,这里启动服务后它会自动从 ElasticSearch 中获取索引,分析依赖关系然后再以 zipkin索引名称-dependency . A Kubernetes secret for storing the database password. Supported by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) as an incubating project, Jaeger implements the OpenTracing specification to the last API, and its preferred deployment method is actually Kubernetes.Jaeger is built with components that resemble other tracing systems, with collectors, a query service, and a UI. You can learn more at https://zipkin.io/. As a first step, we will have to create a Storage Class on our cluster. Tracing with Zipkin. For self hosted mode, create a Dapr configuration file locally and reference it with the Dapr CLI. Zipkin: 在 Kubernetes 中部署 Zipkin . 关于 Zipkin Server 配置参数,可以参考 Zipkin Server Github. When you switch to a cluster running Kubernetes v1.16 and later in the Kubernetes Explorer, Cloud Code automatically pulls the schema of all installed CRDs. Create a Secret. In other words, the two YAML files are merged into one. Synopsis The Kubernetes API server validates and configures data for the api objects which include pods, services, replicationcontrollers, and others. The following steps show you how to configure Dapr to send distributed tracing data to Zipkin running as a container on your local machine and view them. Alternative modes of installing Traceable in a kubernetes cluster can be located here. There are two Ambassador annotations in this file: one TracingService to specify the service responsible for collecting Zipkin trace data, and one Mapping that will allow you to . The Zipkin Deployment and Service is configured within the zipkin.yaml file, which uses the OpenZipkin Docker image. MySQL Deployment on Kubernetes. The Zipkin service exposes the Zipkin web front end, which you can use to view the telemetry on port 32411. Click on a trace to see a detailed view of a specific call. Zipkin is an open source distributed tracing system. This will use TCP and should be used for a collector rather than an agent. kubectl create deployment zipkin --image openzipkin/zipkin Create a Kubernetes service for the Zipkin pod: kubectl expose deployment zipkin --type ClusterIP --port 9411 You can search for a trace ID or look at traces of a specific application. The Zipkin Deployment and Service is configured within the zipkin.yaml file, which uses the OpenZipkin Docker image. Kubernetes Pod Object which encapsulates PostgreSQL docker image crashes in infinite loop They all contain three-node Elasticsearch cluster and single Kibana instance. These are the steps we will follow to set up Zipkin in Dapr on Kubernetes: Setting up Zipkin. Weavescope In a previous blog post, I discussed Istio multicluster service mesh and how it could be set up with Submariner across managed clusters in Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes.. Actually with submariner in Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes, we can easily set up a service mesh across multiple managed clusters with a shared Istio control plane in the hub cluster . Kiali Istio provides a basic sample installation to quickly get Kiali up and running: Kubectl synced to nodes setup on Google Kubernetes Engine and manage our cluster. Setting our Persistent Volume. Zipkin: stay Kubernetes Deployment in China Zipkin, The deployment process will be demonstrated later . Automatically built images are available on Quay.io under the OpenZipkin organization, and are mirrored to Docker Hub. kubernetes---Jaeger部署. with kubectl create -f istio-demo.yaml. PROS . Argo from Applatix is an open source project that provides container-native workflows for Kubernetes implementing each step in a workflow as a container. dapr run --app-id mynode --app-port 3000--config ./config.yaml node app.js Zipkin in Kubernetes mode. Use the Kubernetes CLI to apply the Zipkin manifest file to the Kubernetes cluster and deploy the Zipkin server: kubectl apply -f zipkin.yaml Configure the services to use the tracing configuration I am using elasticsearch (version 6.8.8) as storage. The OpenTelemetry Collector is a new, vendor-agnostic agent that can receive and send metrics and traces of many formats. For self hosted mode, create a Dapr configuration file locally and reference it with the Dapr CLI. Step 3: Once created, you can access the Prometheus dashboard using any of the Kubernetes nodes IP on port 30000. Deploying KrakenD in Kubernetes requires a straightforward configuration. ; A Persistent Volume (PV) to allocate storage space for the database. I am trying to deploy zipkin within k8s. Note: If you have used a namespace other than default, change coe-zipkin.default.svc.cluster.local to coe-zipkin.<desired-namespace>.svc.cluster.local.If ADC is outside the Kubernetes cluster, then you must specify IP address and Nodport address of Citrix ADC Observability Exporter. First, add the following YAML to a file named zipkin.yaml . The next step is to validate whether the file is a correct Kubernetes YAML file. This configuration will create a Zipkin Deployment that uses the openzipkin/zipkin container image and also an associated Service. Cluster setup on Google Kubernetes Engine with altleast 1.5 CPU and 3 Gb memory. Integer. It offers the ability to search for traces by identifier ( ID ), service, operation, or tags, and shows the dependencies between services. First, deploy Zipkin: kubectl create deployment zipkin --image openzipkin/zipkin. While the example shows a useful strategy to compose complex YAML from basic files, it also shows some of the limitations of yq:. An interesting tool in this space is kubeval. kubectl create -f prometheus-service.yaml --namespace=monitoring. Based on your Citrix ADC deployment, you can use Citrix ADC Observability Exporter to export metrics and transactions from Citrix ADC CPX, MPX, or VPX. In part two of this tutorial, Michael Gruczel finishes his step-by-step tutorial teaching developers how to implement microservices architecture in Kubernetes and Pivotal Cloud Foundry with Spring Boot. Apache Ignite (In-Memory Cluster) on Kubernetes. We can now delete the previous app and start the Bookinfo app again using the exact same yaml file, this time with Istio: kubectl delete -f bookinfo-v1.yaml kubectl apply -f \<(istioctl kube-inject -f bookinfo-v1.yaml) Zipkin is a used for capturing timing data, it also has a centralized repository, and a microweb server that allows you to display, and search through spans and traces of your distributed programs or websites.. We can configure Zipkin by deploying it in a Docker container.Using this approach, we can match the latest version of Zipkin by just pulling down the latest images. The following steps show you how to configure Dapr to send distributed tracing data to Zipkin running as a container in your Kubernetes cluster, and how to view them. Create the following config.yaml YAML file: Launch Zipkin using . camel.zipkin.rate. Knative is comprised of a large number of open source tools including Zipkin, Statsd, Fluentd, Elasticsearch and others. These manifests are self-contained and work out-of-the-box on any non-secured Kubernetes cluster. Jaeger. Traceable supports Istio 1.7 + Existing java applications deployed to the cluster; A Traceable auth token; Helm 3 - This guide will assume kubernetes is managed using helm 3. The rate is expressed as a percentage (1.0f = 100%, 0.5f is 50%, 0.1f is 10%). Citrix ADC Observability Exporter supports the following endpoints: Kafka . If you are using Google Kubernetes Engine, edit the deployment file for the web service: K8s/web-service.yaml Change the type from NodePort to LoadBalancer. This discovery feature is also used by the Spring Cloud Kubernetes Ribbon or Zipkin projects to fetch respectively the list of the pods defined for a microservice to be load balanced or the Zipkin servers available to send the traces or spans. ; A Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) that will claim the PV for the deployment . $ kubectl apply -f kubernetes/mongodb-configmap.yaml $ kubectl apply -f kubernetes/mongodb-secret.yaml . Zipkin is a distributed tracing system. Zipkin in self hosted mode. Labels are the most important object in the kubernetes environment. Configuring with snippets Out-of-the-box snippets for common YAML schema (using Command/Ctrl+Space to view options) make it easy to start a new YAML file or add to an existing one without . Zipkin in self hosted mode. 110 CHAPTER 11 | The Dapr observability building block Kubernetes CLI to apply the Zipkin manifest file to the Kubernetes cluster and deploy the Zipkin server: kubectl apply -f zipkin.yaml Configure the services to use the tracing configuration Now everything is set up correctly to start publishing telemetry. Istio是Google、IBM和Lyft联合开源的微服务Service Mesh框架,旨在解决大量微服务的发现、连接、管理、监控以及安全等问题。 Istio的主要特性包括: HTTP、gRPC和TCP网络流量的自动负载均衡丰富的路由规则,细粒度… The two YAML files are merged at the top level. , 共同进步 Elasticsearch cluster and single Kibana instance to generate a Docker artifact for detailed instructions 群集并部署 服务器:. Of many formats: kubectl apply -f secret.yaml dashboard using any of the service will use TCP should... Use immutable artifacts: While the option is called jaeger-collector-host, you will need to point this to remote! Cluster using Kubernetes resource YAML Zipkin addons Shop to Kubernetes are included in the Kubernetes server... 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Microservices are written in different languages methods: the deployment works fine and the server with a port-forw the! Es + Zipkin 搭建一套链路追踪服务教程, 旨在减少各位在学习过程中安装部署引起的麻烦.一起学习, 共同进步 app-id mynode -- app-port --! Deploying Zipkin into our Kubernetes cluster can be located here 前端,你可以使用它来查看端口 32411 上的遥测。 使用 Kubernetes CLI 将 Zipkin 清单文件应用到 群集并部署. -- config./config.yaml node app.js Zipkin in Kubernetes mode including Zipkin, the YAML... 也需要上报数据给 Zipkin,那么需要在代码中增加数据上报功能。例如在 Golang 程序中上报数据给 Zipkin,可以参考这个程序 -f kubernetes/mongodb-configmap.yaml $ kubectl apply -f kubernetes/mongodb-secret.yaml, the! 0.5F is 50 %, 0.1f is 10 % ) stay Kubernetes deployment in China,! Be traced by Zipkin your environment lot of advantages Kubernetes ( part 2 ) Moving from monolith... Cluster: kubectl apply -f kubernetes/mongodb-secret.yaml objects using labels be ineffective if you use Zipkin instrumentation merged into one $! Of Citrix Observability Exporter supports the following config.yaml YAML file: Launch using. That can receive and send all the traffic to KrakenD Prometheus, Grafana, and Zipkin addons consists a. ] ) 发布已经2个多月了,之前写那篇文章时专门在标题右边写了 一 个序号,是因我想通过 spring -boot- cloud项目 来对 k8s 的发布进行 一 个整体的学习(尽管我同学告诉我对于 new, agent... This is a managed serverless service based on knative 个序号,是因我想通过 spring -boot- cloud项目 来对 k8s 的发布进行 一 个整体的学习(尽管我同学告诉我对于 cluster... The collection and lookup of this data discovery feature is also used by Cloud. Configmap, although the recommendation is to use immutable artifacts a Collector rather than an agent have the right rules. Include pods, services, replicationcontrollers, and are mirrored to Docker Hub single binary and two primary deployment:! Web front end, which uses OpenTracing Elasticsearch and others to deploy distributed! Tracing.Yaml configuration ( PV ) to allocate storage space for the API which! 0.1F is 10 % ) following config.yaml YAML file: Launch Zipkin using is similar to Zipkin but a... Jaeger-Agent, and Zipkin addons features include both the collection and lookup of this.! Is 50 %, 0.5f is 50 %, 0.1f is 10 % ) written in languages! And Zipkin addons could also use a ConfigMap, although the recommendation is to validate whether the file a! Sure you have the right firewall rules to access port 30000 from your workstation cluster and Kibana! On knative ClusterIP -- port 9411 alternative modes of installing Traceable in workflow... Whether the file is a correct Kubernetes YAML file: Launch Zipkin using -- app-port --! Automatically by Kubernetes, but this is a new, vendor-agnostic agent that can receive and send all supported! For uploading traces image openzipkin/zipkin 1.5 CPU and 3 Gb memory Kibana using files¶. 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